Raspbian Package Auto-Building

Buildd status for selected packages (bookworm-staging)


Package(s): Suite:
Compact mode Co-maintainers

Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ kodi-visualization-spectrumFailed
✔ kodi-visualization-shadertoyBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-screensaver-shadertoyBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-pvr-teleboyBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-screensaver-biogenesisBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-screensaver-greyneticBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-vfs-libarchiveBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-screensaver-pingpongBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-pvr-sledovanitv-czBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-pvr-stalkerBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-pvr-waipuBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-screensaver-asteroidsBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-vfs-sftpBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-pvr-pctvBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-visualization-fishbmcBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-visualization-waveformBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-screensaver-pyroBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-pvr-octonetBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-visualization-pictureitBD-Uninstallable
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ kodi-pvr-vboxBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-pvr-argustvBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-pvr-dvbviewerBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-pvr-hdhomerunBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-pvr-iptvsimpleBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-pvr-mediaportal-tvserverBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-pvr-mythtvBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsiBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-pvr-wmcBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-audiodecoder-fluidsynthBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-pvr-njoyBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-pvr-vuplusBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-audiodecoder-sidplayBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-audiodecoder-openmptBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-audioencoder-flacBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-audioencoder-lameBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-audioencoder-vorbisBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-audioencoder-wavBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-imagedecoder-rawBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-inputstream-adaptiveBD-Uninstallable
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ kodi-imagedecoder-heifBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-inputstream-ffmpegdirectBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-inputstream-rtmpBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-peripheral-joystickBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-peripheral-xarcadeBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-pvr-dvblinkBD-Uninstallable
✔ kodi-pvr-filmonBD-Uninstallable
✔ pageeditFailed

Failing reason for kodi-visualization-spectrum on armhf:

build looping due to lack of kodi

Dependency installability problem for kodi-visualization-shadertoy on armhf:

kodi-visualization-shadertoy build-depends on missing:
- kodi-addons-dev:armhf (>= 2:19.0~beta2+dfsg1-6~)

Dependency installability problem for kodi-screensaver-shadertoy on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-teleboy on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-screensaver-biogenesis on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-screensaver-greynetic on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-vfs-libarchive on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-screensaver-pingpong on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-sledovanitv-cz on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-stalker on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-waipu on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-screensaver-asteroids on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-vfs-sftp on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-pctv on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-visualization-fishbmc on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-visualization-waveform on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-screensaver-pyro on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-octonet on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-visualization-pictureit on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-vbox on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-argustv on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-dvbviewer on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-hdhomerun on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-iptvsimple on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-mediaportal-tvserver on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-mythtv on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-wmc on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-audiodecoder-fluidsynth on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-njoy on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-vuplus on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-audiodecoder-sidplay on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-audiodecoder-openmpt on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-audioencoder-flac on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-audioencoder-lame on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-audioencoder-vorbis on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-audioencoder-wav on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-imagedecoder-raw on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-inputstream-adaptive on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-imagedecoder-heif on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-inputstream-ffmpegdirect on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-inputstream-rtmp on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-peripheral-joystick on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-peripheral-xarcade on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-dvblink on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Dependency installability problem for kodi-pvr-filmon on armhf:

Installability of build dependencies not tested yet

Failing reason for pageedit on armhf:

needs qtwebengine but wanna build cannot see this
needs qtwebengine but wanna build cannot see this