Raspbian Package Auto-Building

Buildd status for trinity (stretch-staging)

Debian PTSTrackerChangelogBugspackages.d.obuildd.d.o

Package(s): Suite:
Compact mode Co-maintainers

Buildd exposure stats armhf  1.7-1Build-Attempted2642d 16h 59mbm-wb-02out-of-datemisc:sourceold | all (9)

Tail of log for trinity on armhf:

	(cd debian/trinity >/dev/null ; find . -type f  ! -regex './DEBIAN/.*' -printf '%P\0' | LC_ALL=C sort -z | xargs -r0 md5sum | perl -pe 'if (s@^\\@@) { s/\\\\/\\/g; }' > DEBIAN/md5sums) >/dev/null
	chmod 0644 -- debian/trinity/DEBIAN/md5sums
	chown 0:0 -- debian/trinity/DEBIAN/md5sums
	(cd debian/.debhelper/trinity/dbgsym-root >/dev/null ; find . -type f ! -regex './DEBIAN/.*' -printf '%P\0' | LC_ALL=C sort -z | xargs -r0 md5sum | perl -pe 'if (s@^\\@@) { s/\\\\/\\/g; }' > DEBIAN/md5sums) >/dev/null
	chmod 0644 -- debian/.debhelper/trinity/dbgsym-root/DEBIAN/md5sums
	chown 0:0 -- debian/.debhelper/trinity/dbgsym-root/DEBIAN/md5sums
   dh_builddeb -a
	dpkg-deb -z1 -Zxz -Sextreme --build debian/.debhelper/trinity/dbgsym-root ..
dpkg-deb: building package 'trinity-dbgsym' in '../trinity-dbgsym_1.7-1_armhf.deb'.
	dpkg-deb --build debian/trinity ..
dpkg-deb: building package 'trinity' in '../trinity_1.7-1_armhf.deb'.
 dpkg-genbuildinfo --build=any
 dpkg-genchanges --build=any -mRaspbian mythic lxc autobuilder 1 <root@raspbian.org> >../trinity_1.7-1_armhf.changes
dpkg-genchanges: info: binary-only arch-specific upload (source code and arch-indep packages not included)
 dpkg-source --after-build trinity-1.7