Raspbian Package Auto-Building

Buildd status for selected packages (stretch-staging)


Package(s): Suite:
Compact mode Co-maintainers

Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ kannel-sqlboxInstalled
✔ ruby-fast-stemmerInstalled
✔ protozeroInstalled
✔ gnatsInstalled
✔ avogadroInstalled
✔ 3dchessInstalled
✔ pulseaudioInstalled
✔ catdocInstalled
✔ ioquake3Installed
✔ ruby-inotifyInstalled
✔ ruby-debug-inspectorInstalled
✔ ruby-dataobjects-sqlite3Installed
✔ ruby-hiredisInstalled
✔ qtrubyInstalled
✔ ruby-augeasInstalled
✔ ruby-dataobjects-postgresInstalled
✔ ruby-nfcInstalled
✔ ruby-filesystemInstalled
✔ ruby-gdInstalled
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ ruby-ebInstalled
✔ ruby-posix-spawnInstalled
✔ ruby-ffiInstalled
✔ ruby-kgioInstalled
✔ ruby-lapackInstalled
✔ ruby-timfel-krb5-authInstalled
✔ rubyluabridgeInstalled
✔ ruby-rpatriciaInstalled
✔ singularInstalled
✔ cvxoptInstalled
✔ at-spi2-coreInstalled
✔ dose3Installed
✔ havegedInstalled
✔ expectInstalled
✔ speech-dispatcherInstalled
✔ up-imapproxyInstalled
✔ suricataInstalled
✔ ruby-gnome2Installed
✔ torsocksInstalled
✔ libxfontInstalled
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ unicornInstalled
✔ fifeInstalled
✔ bchunkInstalled
✔ varnishInstalled
✔ pyosmiumInstalled
✔ kde-gtk-configInstalled
✔ iproute2Installed
✔ xml2Installed
✔ libxsettings-clientInstalled
✔ charmtimetrackerInstalled
✔ gcc-arm-none-eabiInstalled
✔ gimpInstalled
✔ libtasn1-6Installed
✔ grilo-pluginsInstalled
✔ kildclientInstalled
✔ quotaInstalled
✔ apparmorInstalled
✔ w3mInstalled
✔ lxcInstalled
✔ ocfs2-toolsInstalled
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ remctlInstalled
✔ irssiInstalled
✔ quasselInstalled
✔ discoverInstalled
✔ awffullInstalled
✔ starplotInstalled
✔ psadInstalled
✔ shared-mime-infoInstalled
✔ lcms2Installed
✔ discountInstalled
✔ fuseInstalled
✔ xmotdInstalled
✔ libxcursorInstalled
✔ network-managerInstalled
✔ ganetiInstalled
✔ fastforwardInstalled
✔ libtirpcInstalled
✔ zutilsInstalled
✔ lastpass-cliInstalled
✔ pdfsandwichInstalled
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ cannaInstalled
✔ kmodpyInstalled
✔ jdupesInstalled
✔ glibcInstalled
✔ pdns-recursorInstalled
✔ yosysInstalled
✔ libapache2-mod-auth-mellonInstalled
✔ clamsmtpInstalled
✔ puttyInstalled
✔ psk31lxInstalled
✔ cernlibInstalled
✔ opensshInstalled
✔ libsdl2-imageInstalled
✔ miniupnpdInstalled
✔ passwordsafeInstalled
✔ gsoapInstalled
✔ raster3dInstalled
✔ libsixelInstalled
✔ x2goclientInstalled
✔ nyancatInstalled
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ monitInstalled
✔ qbittorrentInstalled
✔ python-reportlabInstalled
✔ postfixInstalled
✔ mod-gnutlsInstalled
✔ udev-discoverInstalled
✔ milkytrackerInstalled
✔ ghostscriptInstalled
✔ ufrawInstalled
✔ kileInstalled
✔ lua5.3Installed
✔ yawsInstalled
✔ pumaInstalled
✔ freetypeInstalled
✔ spice-gtkInstalled
✔ sddmInstalled
✔ obfs4proxyInstalled
✔ muslInstalled
✔ brotliInstalled
✔ xpraInstalled
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ influxdbInstalled
✔ gdiskInstalled
✔ openldapInstalled
✔ zeromq3Installed
✔ dnsmasqInstalled
✔ lxmlInstalled
✔ leptonlibInstalled
✔ gst-plugins-bad1.0Installed
✔ isc-dhcpInstalled
✔ gnome-shellInstalled
✔ lassoInstalled
✔ prosodyInstalled
✔ linuxptpInstalled
✔ lrzipInstalled
✔ curlInstalled
✔ taglibInstalled
✔ squashfs-toolsInstalled
✔ cronInstalled
✔ libsdl1.2Installed
✔ sqlalchemyInstalled
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ botan1.10Installed
✔ icinga2Installed
✔ firebird3.0Installed
✔ rsyslogInstalled

BinNMU changelog for kannel-sqlbox on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-fast-stemmer on armhf:

rebuild for version ordering

BinNMU changelog for ruby-inotify on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-debug-inspector on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-dataobjects-sqlite3 on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-hiredis on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for qtruby on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-augeas on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-dataobjects-postgres on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-nfc on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-filesystem on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-gd on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-eb on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-posix-spawn on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-ffi on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-kgio on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-lapack on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-timfel-krb5-auth on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for rubyluabridge on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-rpatricia on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for singular on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for pdfsandwich on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for clamsmtp on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for raster3d on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for udev-discover on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ufraw on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for kile on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for xpra on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for gnome-shell on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure