Raspbian Package Auto-Building

Buildd status for icu-ext (bullseye-staging)

Debian PTSTrackerChangelogBugspackages.d.obuildd.d.o

Package(s): Suite:
Compact mode Co-maintainers

Buildd exposure stats armhf  1.6.2-1Build-Attempted1226d 10h 53mmb-lxc-02uncompiledmisc:extraold | all (6)

Tail of log for icu-ext on armhf:

-   0 |  
- 200 | you
-   0 |  
- 200 | like
-   0 |  
- 200 | O'Reilly
-   0 |  
- 200 | books
-   0 | ?
-(10 rows)
+ERROR:  encoding "SQL_ASCII" not supported by ICU
### End 13 installcheck (FAILED with exit code 1) ###
dh_pgxs_test: error: pg_buildext installcheck . . postgresql-%v-icu-ext returned exit code 1
make: *** [debian/rules:9: binary-arch] Error 25