Raspbian Package Auto-Building

Buildd status for selected packages (stretch-staging)


Package(s): Suite:
Compact mode Co-maintainers

Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ galaxInstalled
✔ mrubyInstalled
✔ geglInstalled
✔ kgoldrunnerInstalled
✔ ruby-unf-extInstalled
✔ cgviewInstalled
✔ magics++Installed
✔ oktetaInstalled
✔ flare-engineInstalled
✔ acl2Installed
✔ libiscsiInstalled
✔ ocamlbricksInstalled
✔ python-pyaudioInstalled
✔ zimlibInstalled
✔ racketInstalled
✔ aptitudeInstalled
✔ man2htmlInstalled
✔ mldonkeyInstalled
✔ tecnoballzInstalled
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ gfsviewInstalled
✔ init-system-helpersInstalled
✔ android-platform-frameworks-nativeInstalled
✔ mate-panelInstalled
✔ android-platform-developmentInstalled
✔ hydraInstalled
✔ torcsInstalled
✔ pcmanfmInstalled
✔ 9wmInstalled
✔ quadrapasselInstalled
✔ qjoypadInstalled
✔ sysstatInstalled
✔ lapackInstalled
✔ coyimInstalled
✔ pd-fliteInstalled
✔ cubemapInstalled
✔ pamInstalled
✔ konsoleInstalled
✔ gcc-6Installed
✔ gecodeInstalled
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ mate-terminalInstalled
✔ dacsInstalled
✔ e2guardianInstalled
✔ libcrypto++Installed
✔ porgInstalled
✔ runitInstalled
✔ netcfgInstalled
✔ czmqInstalled
✔ libmwawInstalled
✔ ros-pluginlibInstalled
✔ ros-robot-modelInstalled
✔ libwpdInstalled
✔ bridge-utilsInstalled
✔ cajaInstalled
✔ trace-cmdInstalled
✔ ipsec-toolsInstalled
✔ tdbcodbcInstalled
✔ ruby-oxInstalled
✔ virt-whatInstalled
✔ libvhdiInstalled
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ ncursesInstalled
✔ bareosInstalled
✔ libmadInstalled
✔ qtsmbstatusInstalled
✔ knowthelistInstalled
✔ astroml-addonsInstalled
✔ espeakupInstalled
✔ rtkitInstalled
✔ libapache2-mod-perl2Installed
✔ ssh-agent-filterInstalled
✔ mpqcInstalled
✔ courierInstalled
✔ linux-igdInstalled
✔ wvstreamsInstalled
✔ libpng1.6Installed
✔ r-cran-igraphInstalled
✔ choose-mirrorInstalled
✔ librecadInstalled
✔ sdl-image1.2Installed
✔ soxInstalled
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ fileInstalled
✔ libofxInstalled
✔ libpstInstalled
✔ pykaraokeInstalled
✔ perlInstalled
✔ file-rollerInstalled
✔ libapache2-mod-auth-openidcInstalled
✔ scribusInstalled
✔ greenbone-security-assistantInstalled
✔ tigervncInstalled
✔ fastdInstalled
✔ gdm3Installed
✔ rcloneInstalled
✔ gnome-screensaverInstalled
✔ sympaInstalled
✔ shadowInstalled
✔ shibboleth-sp2Installed
✔ xtermInstalled
✔ libebmlInstalled
✔ opendmarcInstalled
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ caribouInstalled
✔ squid3Installed
✔ scilabInstalled
✔ gnutls28Installed
✔ nettleInstalled
✔ openssl1.0Installed
✔ krb5Installed
✔ nghttp2Installed
✔ pegasus-wmsInstalled
✔ uriparserInstalled

BinNMU changelog for ros-pluginlib on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ros-robot-model on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for qtsmbstatus on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for knowthelist on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for scribus on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for greenbone-security-assistant on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for gnome-screensaver on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for pegasus-wms on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure