Raspbian Package Auto-Building

Buildd status for selected packages (stretch-staging)


Package(s): Suite:
Compact mode Co-maintainers

Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ falconkitInstalled
✔ plasma-frameworkInstalled
✔ bijibenInstalled
✔ gnome-shell-pomodoroInstalled
✔ gnat-mingw-w64Installed
✔ gnome-paintInstalled
✔ nbdInstalled
✔ mlucasInstalled
✔ libhdf4Installed
✔ gflagsInstalled
✔ newpidInstalled
✔ wdmInstalled
✔ rpcbindInstalled
✔ android-platform-system-coreInstalled
✔ xorgInstalled
✔ android-platform-system-extrasInstalled
✔ android-platform-libnativehelperInstalled
✔ rdiff-backup-fsInstalled
✔ epiphany-browserInstalled
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ ufoaiInstalled
✔ lxterminalInstalled
✔ 389-ds-baseInstalled
✔ udfclientInstalled
✔ tpm-toolsInstalled
✔ graphite2Installed
✔ bashInstalled
✔ xarchiverInstalled
✔ libwx-perlInstalled
✔ gadapInstalled
✔ wimlibInstalled
✔ cfengine3Installed
✔ hexchatInstalled
✔ rzipInstalled
✔ debianutilsInstalled
✔ kluppeInstalled
✔ oasis3Installed
✔ freematInstalled
✔ eomInstalled
✔ icoutilsInstalled
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ mate-desktopInstalled
✔ msgpuckInstalled
✔ clamfsInstalled
✔ fwknopInstalled
✔ octave-ocsInstalled
✔ dwarfutilsInstalled
✔ libquicktimeInstalled
✔ pbbamInstalled
✔ librawInstalled
✔ ruby-sigarInstalled
✔ ruby-usbInstalled
✔ treilInstalled
✔ ruby-dep-selectorInstalled
✔ ruby-http-parser.rbInstalled
✔ ruby-passwordInstalled
✔ icedoveInstalled
✔ emacspeak-ssInstalled
✔ emacs25Installed
✔ libidn2-0Installed
✔ tiny-initramfsInstalled
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ topalInstalled
✔ db5.3Installed
✔ kf5-messagelibInstalled
✔ konversationInstalled
✔ opensaml2Installed
✔ procmailInstalled
✔ libxkbcommonInstalled
✔ schrootInstalled
✔ libmpdInstalled
✔ flickcurlInstalled
✔ gifsicleInstalled
✔ gdk-pixbufInstalled
✔ quaggaInstalled
✔ xchainInstalled
✔ ustInstalled
✔ mpi4pyInstalled
✔ slic3rInstalled
✔ libvorbisidecInstalled
✔ librelpInstalled
✔ showqInstalled
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ ax25-toolsInstalled
✔ liblouisInstalled
✔ cgitInstalled
✔ llvm-toolchain-4.0Installed
✔ hylafaxInstalled
✔ phonon-backend-vlcInstalled
✔ icecast2Installed
✔ gphoto2-cffiInstalled
✔ confuseInstalled
✔ iipimageInstalled
✔ wesnoth-1.12Installed
✔ netatalkInstalled
✔ libextractorInstalled
✔ splixInstalled
✔ collatinusInstalled
✔ chkrootkitInstalled
✔ gnupg2Installed
✔ arcInstalled
✔ rsshInstalled
✔ libssh2Installed
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ ncmpcInstalled
✔ vcftoolsInstalled
✔ patchInstalled
✔ ncbi-tools6Installed
✔ python-clamavInstalled
✔ backuppcInstalled
✔ c2050Installed
✔ openconnectInstalled
✔ python-cryptographyInstalled
✔ libsolvInstalled
✔ unhideInstalled
✔ libxsltInstalled
✔ network-manager-sshInstalled
✔ python-uniconvertorInstalled
✔ graphicsmagickInstalled
✔ neon27Installed
✔ websockifyInstalled
✔ ninix-ayaInstalled
✔ ssvncInstalled
✔ e2fsprogsInstalled
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ json-cInstalled
✔ ruby-zipInstalled
✔ runcInstalled
✔ eflInstalled
✔ zarafa-drag-n-dropInstalled
✔ ros-actionlibInstalled
✔ nfdumpInstalled
✔ packerInstalled
✔ coturnInstalled
✔ spice-vdagentInstalled
✔ libcacaInstalled
✔ clamavInstalled
✔ python2.7Installed
✔ java-commonInstalled
✔ gst-libav1.0Installed
✔ hivexInstalled
✔ lz4Installed
✔ graphvizInstalled
✔ xfswitch-pluginInstalled
✔ libwebpInstalled
Package armhf
Buildd exposure stats
✔ mrxvtInstalled
✔ systemdInstalled
✔ libsndfileInstalled
✔ condorInstalled
✔ libpam-tacplusInstalled
✔ ardesiaInstalled
✔ sssdInstalled
✔ griloInstalled
✔ gpsdInstalled
✔ libsdl2Installed
✔ glusterfsInstalled
✔ ffmpegInstalled
✔ netkit-rshInstalled
✔ libmodbusInstalled
✔ bluezInstalled
✔ tarInstalled

BinNMU changelog for clamfs on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for fwknop on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-sigar on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-usb on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for treil on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-dep-selector on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-http-parser.rb on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ruby-password on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for emacspeak-ss on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for splix on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for collatinus on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for backuppc on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for c2050 on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for python-uniconvertor on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ninix-aya on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for efl on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for zarafa-drag-n-drop on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for java-common on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for xfswitch-plugin on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

BinNMU changelog for ardesia on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure