Raspbian Package Auto-Building

Buildd status of armhf (jessie-staging)

Package(s): Suite:
Compact mode Co-maintainers

Distributions: [all] [jessie-staging] [wheezy-staging] [stretch-staging] [trixie-staging] [buster-staging] [bullseye-staging] [bookworm-staging]
Architectures: [armhf]
Restrict on buildd: [all] [bm-wb-01] [bm-wb-02] [bm-wb-03] [bm-wb-04] [test2019] [testbuildd] [testwandboard] [mb-lxc-01] [mb-lxc-02] [test2019]
Buildd machine info: [bm-wb-01] [bm-wb-02] [bm-wb-03] [bm-wb-04] [test2019] [testbuildd] [testwandboard] [mb-lxc-01] [mb-lxc-02] [test2019]
Restrict on notes: [all] [out-of-date] [uncompiled] [related]

The time indicates for how long a package is in the given state.

BD-Uninstallable41: haskell-vty (2798d 6h 41m), ants (2798d 6h 39m), firefox-esr (1647d 13m), thunderbird (1644d 6h 12m)
Build-Attempted41: aspectc++ (2734d 3h 47m, tried 11 times, testwandboard), bino (2734d 3h 20m, tried 11 times, testwandboard), libmateweather (2734d 2h 23m, tried 2 times, testwandboard), libgcrypt20 (1806d 18h 4m, mb-lxc-02)
Installed4591: postfix (2776d 16m, bm-wb-03), python-cryptography (2776d 16m, testwandboard), ndoutils (2776d 16m, bm-wb-03), commons-daemon (2776d 16m, bm-wb-04), sendmail (2776d 16m, bm-wb-04), binutils (2776d 16m, testwandboard), xshisen (2776d 16m, bm-wb-01), gnome-settings-daemon (2776d 16m, bm-wb-02), yara (2776d 16m, testwandboard), lxc (2776d 16m, bm-wb-04), 11: smemstat (2776d 16m, testbuildd), irqbalance (2776d 16m, bm-wb-04), xmobar (2776d 16m, testbuildd), libindicate (2776d 16m, bm-wb-01), radare2 (2776d 16m, bm-wb-04), minicom (2776d 16m, bm-wb-03), gnome-screenshot (2776d 16m, bm-wb-03), plv8 (2776d 16m, bm-wb-04), gnome-media (2776d 16m, testbuildd), ndisc6 (2776d 16m, testwandboard), 21: synergy (2776d 16m, bm-wb-02), guile-2.0 (2775d 18h 16m, testwandboard), mongodb (2775d 18h 16m, bm-wb-04), rpcbind (2774d 6h 15m, bm-wb-04), libytnef (2773d 16h 54m, testbuildd), rtmpdump (2770d 6h 15m, bm-wb-02), bitlbee (2767d 18h 17m, bm-wb-01), shadow (2765d 6h 17m, bm-wb-04), jbig2dec (2764d 6h 16m, bm-wb-01), ettercap (2742d 18h 17m, bm-wb-03), 31: libmwaw (2742d 6h 16m, bm-wb-02), libosip2 (2738d 6h 9m, testbuildd), glibc (2732d 12h 14m, bm-wb-04), libffi (2732d 5h 47m, testwandboard), graphite2 (2729d 6h 13m, bm-wb-01), openvpn (2724d 6h 14m, bm-wb-01), ruby-fast-stemmer (+b2, 2708d 6h 16m, bm-wb-03), knot (2707d 6h 14m, mb-lxc-01), openchange (2701d 6h 17m, bm-wb-01), libterralib (2699d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-02), 41: libdvdnav (2699d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-02), cfitsio (2699d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-01), gnats (2699d 12h 14m, bm-wb-03), 3dchess (2699d 12h 14m, bm-wb-02), cqrlog (2699d 12h 14m, bm-wb-02), eterm (2699d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-01), netcfg (2699d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-01), c-ares (2699d 12h 14m, bm-wb-03), os-prober (2699d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-01), chkrootkit (2699d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-01), 51: xfce4-weather-plugin (2699d 6h 12m, mb-lxc-02), boinc (2699d 6h 12m, mb-lxc-01), lxterminal (2699d 6h 12m, mb-lxc-01), libosinfo (2699d 6h 12m, mb-lxc-01), gtk+2.0 (2699d 6h 12m, bm-wb-01), xarchiver (2699d 6h 12m, mb-lxc-01), catdoc (2698d 12h 12m, mb-lxc-02), varnish (2688d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-01), freeradius (2680d 12h 11m, mb-lxc-01), pjproject (2680d 6h 12m, testbuildd), 61: botan1.10 (2678d 12h 12m, bm-wb-02), cvs (2677d 18h 12m, mb-lxc-02), ioquake3 (2671d 12h 16m, mb-lxc-01), augeas (2669d 18h 12m, mb-lxc-02), smb4k (2668d 6h 12m, mb-lxc-01), connman (2663d 14m, bm-wb-01), fontforge (2661d 18h 14m, bm-wb-03), icedove (2648d 6h 15m, mb-lxc-01), emacs24 (2647d 6h 14m, mb-lxc-01), newsbeuter (2641d 6h 15m, bm-wb-03), 71: libidn2-0 (2629d 6h 15m, mb-lxc-02), libxfont (2619d 10h 29m, bm-wb-01), xorg-server (2612d 6h 17m, testwandboard), irssi (2595d 6h 14m, bm-wb-02), bchunk (2589d 12h 13m, bm-wb-03), konversation (2585d 5h 57m, mb-lxc-02), shibboleth-sp2 (2582d 5h 57m, testwandboard), opensaml2 (2582d 5h 57m, testbuildd), procmail (2579d 17h 13m, mb-lxc-02), libxml-libxml-perl (2579d 12h 11m, testwandboard), 81: vlc (2577d 8m, testbuildd), bzr (2569d 11m, tried 2 times, testwandboard), tor (2565d 6h 10m, mb-lxc-02), erlang (2560d 18h 14m, bm-wb-04), optipng (2560d 6h 13m, bm-wb-02), ruby-ox (2559d 12h 14m, bm-wb-03), libxvmc (2559d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-02), libwnckmm (2559d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-02), libxv (2559d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-01), libwpd (2559d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-02), 91: libxfixes (2559d 12h 14m, bm-wb-01), libembperl-perl (2559d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-01), libdbi (2559d 12h 14m, testwandboard), hexchat (2559d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-02), libxrandr (2559d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-01), db5.3 (2559d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-01), libxi (2559d 12h 14m, bm-wb-03), libxtst (2559d 12h 14m, testbuildd), elog (2559d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-02), flightgear (2559d 12h 14m, bm-wb-02), 101: dwww (2559d 12h 14m, bm-wb-02), pdns-recursor (2559d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-02), bareos (2559d 12h 14m, testwandboard), db (2559d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-02), liblouis (2559d 12h 14m, bm-wb-01), gimp (2538d 6h 14m, bm-wb-04), poco (2526d 18h 1m, bm-wb-02), gifsicle (2525d 12h 16m, bm-wb-01), openocd (2516d 7m, bm-wb-03), p7zip (2502d 6h 15m, testbuildd), 111: quagga (2491d 6h 17m, bm-wb-02), freexl (2476d 6h 12m, bm-wb-01), libvorbisidec (2462d 6h 15m, mb-lxc-01), uwsgi (2461d 6h 13m, mb-lxc-01), librelp (2452d 6h 10m, mb-lxc-01), beep (2445d 6h 14m, bm-wb-01), sharutils (2442d 12h 16m, bm-wb-04), linux-tools (2421d 6h 16m, bm-wb-04), quassel (2414d 18h 14m, bm-wb-04), libmad (2413d 9h 49m, testwandboard), 121: libsigrok (+b2, 2407d 18h 41m, mb-lxc-02), libsigrokdecode (+b2, 2407d 16h 7m, mb-lxc-02), procps (2395d 12h 10m, mb-lxc-01), prosody (2384d 6h 17m, mb-lxc-02), gnupg2 (2378d 6h 9m, mb-lxc-02), gnupg (2378d 6h 9m, bm-wb-02), lame (2363d 12h 10m, mb-lxc-01), ncurses (2363d 12h 10m, bm-wb-01), xerces-c (2363d 12h 10m, bm-wb-02), bwm-ng (2363d 12h 10m, bm-wb-03), 131: soundtouch (2363d 12h 10m, testbuildd), psensor (2363d 12h 10m, mb-lxc-02), mactelnet (2363d 12h 10m, bm-wb-03), blktrace (2363d 6h 16m, mb-lxc-01), ruby-passenger (2359d 6h 16m, mb-lxc-01), libsoup2.4 (2350d 12h 15m, bm-wb-02), cinnamon (2343d 18h 13m, bm-wb-01), taglib (2338d 6h 12m, bm-wb-04), opencv (2334d 12h 15m, mb-lxc-01), resiprocate (2332d 6h 13m, testwandboard), 141: evolution-data-server (2331d 18h 13m, testbuildd), libidn (2329d 12h 14m, bm-wb-01), network-manager-vpnc (2325d 12h 15m, bm-wb-02), busybox (2322d 6h 3m, mb-lxc-01), ant (2321d 17h 22m, bm-wb-03), cgit (2319d 18h 13m, bm-wb-03), sam2p (2315d 6h 15m, bm-wb-02), blender (2312d 18h 14m, bm-wb-04), ruby-zip (2310d 12h 3m, bm-wb-02), fuse (2310d 5h 37m, bm-wb-03), 151: libxcursor (2307d 12h 14m, bm-wb-01), confuse (2307d 6h 13m, mb-lxc-02), tomcat-native (2303d 6h 15m, testwandboard), libgit2 (2300d 12h 13m, testbuildd), dropbear (2298d 12h 14m, bm-wb-02), libx11 (2296d 14m, bm-wb-02), git-annex (2289d 6h 7m, mb-lxc-02), gdm3 (2289d 6h 7m, bm-wb-03), lcms2 (2288d 18h 9m, mb-lxc-02), discount (2286d 6h 9m, testbuildd), 161: mgetty (2284d 9m, mb-lxc-02), zutils (2279d 6h 16m, testwandboard), libapache2-mod-perl2 (2276d 6h 13m, testwandboard), sympa (2274d 6h 15m, bm-wb-03), texlive-bin (2273d 14m, mb-lxc-01), hylafax (2272d 6h 16m, testwandboard), polarssl (2269d 12h 15m, bm-wb-02), strongswan (2262d 12h 16m, bm-wb-01), adplug (2257d 10h, testwandboard), tinc (2256d 6h 15m, testwandboard), 171: net-snmp (2255d 6h 16m, mb-lxc-01), gnulib (2254d 6h 14m, mb-lxc-02), gnutls28 (2234d 12h 14m, bm-wb-04), mono (2232d 6h 14m, bm-wb-03), mysql-5.5 (2228d 12h 8m, mb-lxc-01), glusterfs (2228d 6h 17m, bm-wb-04), nginx (2225d 6h 13m, mb-lxc-02), pixman (2211d 12h 14m, bm-wb-04), icecast2 (2211d 6h 14m, bm-wb-04), keepalived (2211d 6h 14m, testwandboard), 181: xml-security-c (2209d 6h 14m, mb-lxc-02), gnuplot5 (2208d 6h 14m, testbuildd), gnuplot (2207d 6h 15m, mb-lxc-01), perl (2203d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-01), nsis (2203d 6h 15m, mb-lxc-01), lxml (2193d 18h 14m, bm-wb-02), gcc-4.9 (2189d 12h 16m, mb-lxc-02), libapache-mod-jk (2186d 6h 13m, testwandboard), nagios3 (2179d 6h 15m, mb-lxc-01), tar (2172d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-01), 191: libcaca (2163d 14m, bm-wb-04), sssd (2155d 12h 9m, bm-wb-02), aria2 (2151d 6h 16m, bm-wb-01), tmpreaper (2148d 12h 17m, bm-wb-01), mxml (2147d 12h 13m, bm-wb-01), krb5 (2147d 9h 27m, testwandboard), policykit-1 (2144d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-01), postgis (2140d 20h 38m, mb-lxc-02), agg (2140d 8h 24m, bm-wb-03), mariadb-10.0 (2140d 8h 24m, mb-lxc-02), 201: desmume (2139d 22h 40m, testwandboard), exactimage (2139d 22h 40m, mb-lxc-01), mumble (2135d 12h 8m, bm-wb-03), netmask (2135d 6h 16m, bm-wb-03), freerdp (2135d 4h 50m, bm-wb-04), aptly (2129d 18h 14m, mb-lxc-01), heartbleeder (2129d 18h 14m, mb-lxc-01), unbound (2127d 6h 14m, mb-lxc-01), gsoap (2123d 12h 12m, mb-lxc-01), uriparser (2123d 6h 13m, bm-wb-03), 211: rssh (2122d 18h 7m, mb-lxc-02), freedink-dfarc (2117d 12h 8m, bm-wb-03), elfutils (2116d 6h 15m, mb-lxc-02), ldb (2113d 6h 13m, testbuildd), uw-imap (2112d 12h 16m, test2019), advancecomp (2111d 6h 16m, mb-lxc-01), zabbix (2102d 6h 13m, bm-wb-04), xmltooling (2100d 18h 14m, mb-lxc-02), libsndfile (2100d 12h 14m, bm-wb-02), rdflib (2095d 17h 58m, testbuildd), 221: sqlalchemy (2095d 12h 9m, mb-lxc-01), liblivemedia (2095d 6h 15m, bm-wb-02), libjpeg-turbo (2095d 6h 15m, mb-lxc-02), cron (2092d 6h 14m, bm-wb-04), ntfs-3g (2091d 12h 16m, mb-lxc-02), rsync (2089d 6h 16m, mb-lxc-01), openssh (2088d 12h 16m, bm-wb-02), bash (2088d 12h 16m, bm-wb-01), libraw (2085d 6h 16m, mb-lxc-02), gpsd (2083d 12h 15m, mb-lxc-01), 231: golang (2079d 12h 14m, bm-wb-01), jasper (2069d 6h 14m, test2019), putty (2058d 6h 16m, test2019), systemd (2057d 12h 16m, mb-lxc-02), mercurial (2057d 14m, tried 2 times, test2019), evolution (2056d 6h 16m, bm-wb-02), monit (2056d 6h 16m, mb-lxc-01), gst-plugins-base1.0 (2054d 6h 15m, bm-wb-04), signing-party (2051d 6h 10m, bm-wb-04), librecad (2047d 6h 10m, mb-lxc-02), 241: atftp (2040d 6h 9m, bm-wb-03), dhcpcd5 (2030d 10m, mb-lxc-02), samba (2030d 10m, bm-wb-03), cups-filters (2029d 18h 11m, testbuildd), zookeeper (2028d 18h 11m, bm-wb-04), wireshark (2028d 6h 11m, bm-wb-04), minissdpd (2026d 6h 11m, mb-lxc-01), vcftools (2025d 6h 11m, mb-lxc-01), sox (2024d 18h 11m, mb-lxc-02), miniupnpd (2022d 18h 16m, bm-wb-04), 251: doxygen (2021d 15m, testwandboard), kdepim (2003d 12h 16m, mb-lxc-02), gvfs (2002d 6h 16m, mb-lxc-01), znc (2001d 6h 13m, test2019), libvirt (1997d 6h 16m, mb-lxc-01), mupdf (1993d 12h 15m, test2019), obfs4proxy (1991d 6h 16m, mb-lxc-01), rdesktop (1990d 12h 16m, testwandboard), pdns (1988d 12h 16m, testbuildd), dosbox (1984d 15h 34m, bm-wb-03), 261: zeromq3 (1983d 6h 17m, bm-wb-02), redis (1981d 12h 3m, mb-lxc-01), bzip2 (1973d 6h 16m, testbuildd), libsdl2-image (1967d 18h 15m, mb-lxc-01), patch (1966d 10h 28m, mb-lxc-01), sdl-image1.2 (1964d 6h 10m, test2019), vim (1957d 18h 15m, bm-wb-01), glib2.0 (1954d 21h 7m, mb-lxc-01), atril (1947d 12h 10m, mb-lxc-02), evince (1947d 12h 10m, mb-lxc-01), 271: kde4libs (1942d 6h 11m, test2019), libmspack (1937d 6h 12m, test2019), xymon (1935d 14m, bm-wb-04), faad2 (1932d 6h 11m, testwandboard), dovecot (1931d 6h 13m, bm-wb-04), subversion (1931d 15m, testbuildd), libextractor (1930d 6h 10m, testbuildd), pump (1927d 12h 11m, bm-wb-01), freetype (1925d 12h 16m, testwandboard), expat (1923d 12h 16m, bm-wb-03), 281: memcached (1922d 12h 10m, bm-wb-04), icedtea-web (1920d 6h 14m, testwandboard), curl (1916d 18h 14m, mb-lxc-02), dnsmasq (1916d 12h 14m, testbuildd), python2.7 (1913d 6h 10m, bm-wb-02), python3.4 (1913d 6h 10m, testbuildd), php-pecl-http (1909d 6h 12m, mb-lxc-02), openssl (1904d 6h 12m, mb-lxc-01), ruby-nokogiri (1904d 14m, testwandboard), httpie (1901d 6h 11m, testwandboard), 291: apache2 (1899d 6h 11m, test2019), libapreq2 (1896d 12h 14m, bm-wb-01), libreoffice (1893d 6h 10m, bm-wb-04), libtomcrypt (1890d 6h 10m, mb-lxc-01), rsyslog (1890d 14m, mb-lxc-01), c-icap-modules (1889d 12h 16m, mb-lxc-02), havp (1889d 12h 16m, testbuildd), dansguardian (1889d 12h 16m, bm-wb-04), python-clamav (1889d 12h 16m, testwandboard), tcpdump (1888d 6h 10m, bm-wb-02), 301: libsdl1.2 (1885d 12h 15m, testwandboard), xtrlock (1885d 6h 9m, bm-wb-01), libsdl2 (1883d 12h 15m, test2019), poppler (1881d 18h 13m, mb-lxc-02), nfs-utils (1880d 12h 15m, testbuildd), aspell (1880d 6h 10m, bm-wb-04), milkytracker (1878d 12h 15m, testbuildd), libpcap (1878d 6h 12m, bm-wb-02), libarchive (1873d 6h 14m, bm-wb-02), mosquitto (1873d 6h 14m, testwandboard), 311: libxslt (1872d 6h 13m, bm-wb-01), pam-python (1872d 15m, mb-lxc-02), imapfilter (1869d 12h 11m, bm-wb-01), italc (1867d 12h 16m, bm-wb-04), cpio (1863d 6h 10m, testwandboard), openafs (1863d 12m, bm-wb-02), djvulibre (1860d 6h 10m, mb-lxc-02), libssh2 (1855d 18h 15m, testwandboard), ghostscript (1854d 15m, bm-wb-01), mesa (1853d 12h 16m, mb-lxc-01), 321: python-psutil (1850d 6h 8m, bm-wb-03), libofx (1845d 18h 14m, bm-wb-04), libice (1845d 6h 12m, testbuildd), isc-dhcp (1844d 12h 16m, bm-wb-02), libxdmcp (1843d 6h 9m, mb-lxc-01), bsdiff (1842d 6h 15m, mb-lxc-02), tiff (1842d 6h 15m, testwandboard), xmlrpc-epi (1842d 15m, mb-lxc-02), vino (1839d 18h 15m, bm-wb-01), ssvnc (1839d 12h 15m, bm-wb-02), 331: tnef (1839d 12h 15m, bm-wb-01), 389-ds-base (1839d 12h 15m, testbuildd), file (1838d 6h 11m, bm-wb-02), asterisk (1837d 12h 14m, testwandboard), exiv2 (1836d 14m, mb-lxc-02), libonig (1834d 12h 16m, testwandboard), librabbitmq (1832d 12h 4m, mb-lxc-02), openslp-dfsg (1830d 12h 14m, bm-wb-03), htmldoc (1829d 12h 16m, testwandboard), squid3 (1828d 12h 14m, bm-wb-03), 341: freeimage (1828d 12h 14m, testwandboard), libpgf (1823d 12h 15m, bm-wb-02), harfbuzz (1821d 12h 10m, bm-wb-03), libssh (1821d 12h 10m, bm-wb-01), libvorbis (1821d 6h 4m, testwandboard), cyrus-sasl2 (1818d 12h 15m, bm-wb-03), gdk-pixbuf (1818d 12h 15m, bm-wb-01), tightvnc (1817d 12h 16m, bm-wb-02), x2goclient (1817d 6h 14m, bm-wb-04), opensc (1813d 16m, testwandboard), 351: libxml2 (1810d 6h 12m, bm-wb-02), imagemagick (1809d 12h 15m, mb-lxc-02), libbsd (1808d 6h 13m, mb-lxc-01), igraph (1807d 12h 15m, mb-lxc-01), jhead (1807d 6h 12m, mb-lxc-01), pillow (1801d 6h 13m, testwandboard), sa-exim (1798d 5h 52m, bm-wb-04), ldm (1797d 12h 16m, mb-lxc-01), gthumb (1794d 18h 15m, testwandboard), gpac (1787d 12h 15m, bm-wb-02), 361: transfig (1786d 6h 11m, bm-wb-01), python-apt (1784d 12h 15m, bm-wb-03), iperf3 (1780d 6h 12m, bm-wb-01), unzip (1779d 6h 13m, bm-wb-01), hiredis (1778d 12h 14m, bm-wb-04), zlib (1778d 6h 10m, bm-wb-01), wget (1778d 6h 10m, bm-wb-03), suricata (1777d 12h 13m, bm-wb-03), libsolv (1777d 6h 13m, testwandboard), openjpeg2 (1777d 15m, test2019), 371: sudo (1775d 15m, test2019), ppp (1767d 12h 15m, test2019), ipmitool (1767d 12h 15m, mb-lxc-01), postgresql-9.4 (1763d 6h 11m, bm-wb-02), libgd2 (1759d 12m, bm-wb-02), spamassassin (1758d 12h 6m, bm-wb-02), python-reportlab (1756d 6h 10m, bm-wb-02), libpam-radius-auth (1754d 12h 11m, bm-wb-03), libimobiledevice (1749d 6h 12m, bm-wb-02), pure-ftpd (1749d 14m, mb-lxc-02), 381: libusbmuxd (1749d 14m, bm-wb-03), gst-plugins-base0.10 (1748d 6h 14m, bm-wb-01), libapache2-mod-auth-openidc (1747d 12h 15m, test2019), firebird2.5 (1747d 12h 15m, bm-wb-03), zsh (1745d 12h 14m, testwandboard), proftpd-dfsg (1745d 6h 13m, test2019), rrdtool (1745d 6h 13m, mb-lxc-02), pdfresurrect (1742d 6h 10m, mb-lxc-02), sleuthkit (1738d 6h 6m, bm-wb-04), wpa (1736d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-01), 391: slirp (1734d 12h 15m, test2019), slurm-llnl (1731d 12h 15m, bm-wb-02), gdal (1729d 16m, bm-wb-02), twisted (1728d 6h 13m, mb-lxc-01), icu (1727d 12h 15m, mb-lxc-02), weechat (1723d 6h 13m, bm-wb-03), e2fsprogs (1723d 6h 13m, test2019), okular (1722d 15m, testwandboard), tinyproxy (1716d 18h 8m, bm-wb-02), apng2gif (1716d 16h 15m, bm-wb-01), 401: gst-plugins-bad0.10 (1716d 16h 15m, mb-lxc-02), libpam-krb5 (1715d 12h 15m, bm-wb-03), libplist (1715d 15m, bm-wb-01), libmtp (1711d 12h 12m, mb-lxc-01), ceph (1707d 12h 14m, mb-lxc-02), inetutils (1702d 6m, mb-lxc-02), file-roller (1699d 13m, bm-wb-04), git (1693d 12m, bm-wb-04), libgsf (1691d 16h 58m, bm-wb-04), eog (1691d 6h 11m, bm-wb-03), 411: ncmpc (1691d 6h 11m, bm-wb-04), rzip (1690d 12h 8m, mb-lxc-02), ruby-json (1689d 6h 3m, mb-lxc-01), ruby2.1 (1688d 6h 13m, bm-wb-01), w3m (1686d 12h 16m, bm-wb-04), yodl (1686d 12h 16m, testbuildd), miniupnpc (1686d 12h 16m, test2019), openldap (1685d 14m, mb-lxc-02), pound (1683d 18h 15m, bm-wb-01), ntp (1681d 18h 14m, bm-wb-01), 421: libntlm (1676d 12h 15m, mb-lxc-02), apt (1672d 6h 9m, bm-wb-03), openconnect (1672d 15m, tried 2 times, bm-wb-01), exim4 (1670d 16m, testbuildd), clamav (1667d 15m, bm-wb-01), feh (1662d 12h 15m, bm-wb-04), cracklib2 (1662d 12h 15m, testwandboard), transmission (1662d 12h 15m, bm-wb-03), sqlite3 (1660d 18h 16m, test2019), gst-plugins-ugly0.10 (1656d 18h 15m, test2019), 431: dosfstools (1656d 18h 15m, mb-lxc-01), gst-plugins-good0.10 (1656d 18h 15m, bm-wb-04), bind9 (1656d 12h 16m, bm-wb-01), json-c (1655d 12h 15m, mb-lxc-01), sane-backends (1655d 6h 15m, testwandboard), netqmail (1651d 12h 17m, mb-lxc-02), dbus (1650d 6h 16m, bm-wb-03), cups (1648d 12h 16m, bm-wb-02), libupnp (1648d 6h 13m, bm-wb-03), libpam-tacplus (1647d 12h 12m, bm-wb-02), 441: bluez (1646d 18h 11m, bm-wb-04), xawtv (1643d 6h 15m, mb-lxc-01), libexif (1642d 12h 15m, bm-wb-04), ngircd (1634d 12h 6m, mb-lxc-02), alpine (1629d 14h 41m, testwandboard), libtasn1-6 (1627d 18h 14m, mb-lxc-01), zziplib (1627d 18h 14m, testbuildd), pngquant (1627d 18h 14m, bm-wb-01), libtirpc (1627d 18h 14m, bm-wb-04), picocom (1627d 12h 15m, testbuildd), 451: mcabber (1627d 12h 15m, bm-wb-04), php5 (1627d 12h 15m, bm-wb-03), qemu (1626d 6h 14m, mb-lxc-02), libvncserver (1625d 18h 15m, test2019), mutt (1625d 12h 16m, bm-wb-04), mailman (1625d 12h 16m, testwandboard), nss (1625d 6h 14m, testbuildd), libmatio (1625d 6h 14m, bm-wb-01), coturn (1624d 12h 15m, test2019)