Raspbian Package Auto-Building

Buildd status of armhf (bullseye-staging)

Package(s): Suite:
Compact mode Co-maintainers

Distributions: [all] [jessie-staging] [wheezy-staging] [stretch-staging] [trixie-staging] [buster-staging] [bullseye-staging] [bookworm-staging]
Architectures: [armhf]
Restrict on buildd: [all] [bm-wb-01] [bm-wb-02] [bm-wb-03] [bm-wb-04] [mb-lxc-01] [mb-lxc-02] [test2019] [testbuildd] [testwandboard] [test2019]
Buildd machine info: [bm-wb-01] [bm-wb-02] [bm-wb-03] [bm-wb-04] [mb-lxc-01] [mb-lxc-02] [test2019] [testbuildd] [testwandboard] [test2019]
Restrict on notes: [all] [out-of-date] [uncompiled] [related]

The time indicates for how long a package is in the given state.

Auto-Not-For-Us4701: gcc-defaults-mipsen, opa-fm, lphdisk, tvflash, rna-star, gcc-8-cross, rovclock, ruby-rjb, rr, cuse4bsd, 11: silo, intel-gmmlib, mupen64plus-video-rice, libdfp, lsb-build-base3, colo, mupen64plus-core, pmac-utils, grml2usb, stlport4.6, 21: khmer, qtemu, linux-signed-amd64, mkl-dnn, golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine, wiredtiger, memtest86, k8temp, libosl, mupen64plus-video-z64, 31: qi, opa-ff, kfreebsd-defaults, accelio, os-autoinst, grub-cloud, xserver-xorg-video-sunffb, vsearch, artemis, quik, 41: ppc64-diag, grub-efi-arm64-signed, openjdk-8-jre-dcevm, tails-installer, umview, rear, mknbi, xserver-xorg-video-intel, ganeti-htools, pmud, 51: ikeyd, dapl, bolt-lmm, gkl, bio-eagle, marionnet, ps3-utils, soapdenovo2, crystalhd, fwupdate-amd64-signed, 61: debos, arcboot-installer, kpatch, refit, matroxset, openssl-ibmca, libica, openbgpd, partitioner, paco, 71: i810switch, snap-aligner, mupen64plus-rsp-hle, beignet, sparc-utils, nslu2-utils, ifenslave-2.6, blktap-dkms, consensuscore, openstack-debian-images, 81: efilinux, elilo-installer, paflib, gcc-8-cross-mipsen, xserver-xorg-video-newport, zsnes, gatos, mig, crtools, intel-media-driver, 91: clickhouse, wraplinux, servicelog, infinipath-psm, intel-cmt-cat, ruby-bson-ext, infernal, mkelfimage, eep24c, mupen64plus-video-glide64mk2, 101: mupen64plus-video-glide64, inteltool, user-mode-linux, freebsd-quota, kfreebsd-10, obitools, mupen64plus-video-arachnoid, mcelog, xenomai, xserver-xorg-video-vmware, 111: numatop, loadlin, baycomepp, gkrellm-x86info, insighttoolkit4, tendra, refind, memkind, partman-zfs, mupen64plus-ui-console, 121: gnome-themes-standard, xserver-xorg-video-suncg3, mozart, actionaz, udt, libcmrt, soapaligner, yacpi, gcc-defaults-ports, pommed, 131: vzquota, xserver-xorg-video-suncg14, ikarus, grub-efi-amd64-signed, pcsx2, cpuid, xorp, libsdsl, pcc, bowtie, 141: atf-allwinner, pnputils, spu-tools, psst, cmucl, stalin, kissplice, sibyl, lsvpd, ufsutils, 151: svgtoipe, memtest86+, libvpd, ioport, palo, openjdk-7-jre-dcevm, pstack, libsmbios, mudlet, mupen64plus-qt, 161: lilo-installer, kfreebsd-kernel-headers, micro-evtd, partman-newworld, globus-xio-udt-driver, mupen64plus-input-sdl, iqtree, atitvout, gcc-3.3, fasm, 171: libcxl, lilo, zipl-installer, sortmerna, likwid, pftools, rds-tools, fwupdate-i386-signed, pcc-libs, cnvkit, 181: gnome-mount, fwupd-amd64-signed, bcal, guava, python-bumps, cen64, ia32-libs-core, qlandkartegt, smlnj, xxxterm, 191: openjdk-11-jre-dcevm, cobalt-panel-utils, debootstick, libusb-ruby, autorun4linuxcd, springlobby, ndisgtk, gummiboot, intel-vaapi-driver, ree, 201: dispcalgui, armada-backlight, fnfx, freebsd-smbfs, ksnapshot, fuse4bsd, intel-ipsec-mb, binutils-mipsen, v86d, xserver-xorg-video-suntcx, 211: pk-update-icon, yaboot, nvram-wakeup, s390-zfcp, ia32-libs, intel-gpu-tools, princeprocessor, libinotify-kqueue, shim, acpi, 221: prep-installer, xserver-xorg-video-openchrome, aiscm, portio, glide, invaders, zfsutils, pdbg, pnetcdf, msr-tools, 231: quik-installer, avrprog, rootstrap, mupen64plus-rsp-z64, hyperscan, tpb, welcome2l, acpidump, libstatgen, mkvmlinuz, 241: postgresql-hll, libx86, librtas, darktable, cpushare, sibyl-installer, elilo, fwupd-i386-signed, set6x86, libkakasi-ruby, 251: falcon, salinfo, thermald, linux-signed-i386, wmbatppc, grub, ia32-libs-gtk, fakeroot-ng, open-vm-tools, rio, 261: arcload, zorroutils, python-pbconsensuscore, wcc, libacpi, nvtv, gmod, tarantool-lts, pmake, rxvt, 271: arcboot, partman-ufs, bkhive, e2fsprogs1.41, uswsusp, xfce4-hdaps, acpitail, longrun, circlator, xmbmon, 281: i7z, cmospwd, hhvm, gprolog, libservicelog, mindi-busybox, kon2, mupen64plus-audio-sdl, gassst, ltrace, 291: xserver-xorg-video-tga, xserver-xorg-video-sunleo, s390-netdevice, libisal, vbetool, systemc, hmmer, facturlinex2, linux-signed-arm64, fwupd-arm64-signed, 301: libocxl, xf86-video-glamo, iprutils, blktap, s390-tools, gcc-8-cross-ports, sdl-stretch, qemu-kvm, grub-efi-ia32-signed, primaxscan, 311: libopenspc, ldiskfsprogs, sandsifter, ukui-biometric-manager, shim-signed, x86info, adlibtracker2, xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse, lsb-pkgchk3, pmdk, 321: edb-debugger, s390-sysconfig-writer, i8kutils, gnumach, syslinux, powerpc-ibm-utils, colo-installer, shim-helpers-i386-signed, dolphin-emu, soapdenovo, 331: cde, consensuscore2, fwupdate-arm64-signed, iptraf, lsb-build-cc3, relion, mac-fdisk, mv2120-utils, looking-glass, athcool, 341: cen64-qt, pbbuttonsd, acpi-support, toshset, sysconfig, scilab-scimysql, intel-processor-trace, twisted-runner, partman-prep, freebsd-utils, 351: pearpc, e3, php-pecl-http, sra-sdk, md5deep, cpqarrayd, libsdp, qlvnictools, ndiswrapper, powerpc-utils, 361: spring, xserver-xorg-video-geode, mga-vid, lsadb, partman-ext2r0, s3switch, smlsharp, cciss-vol-status, mingw-ocaml, yaboot-installer, 371: xenwatch, xserver-xorg-video-suncg6, libpsm2, jbuilder, vzctl, zgv, hdapsd, apex, virtio-forwarder, shim-helpers-arm64-signed, 381: silo-installer, libvecpf, libsystemd-dummy, shim-helpers-amd64-signed, retty, scratchbox2, swarm-cluster, digitools, bsign, s390-dasd, 391: libvma, libpmemobj-cpp, embree, gcc-9-cross, gcc-9-cross-ports, ipmctl, pmdk-convert, trilinos, apcalc, pmemkv, 401: gudhi, rapmap, libcpuid, sextractor, yade, gnome-mpv, elastix, intel-mediasdk, dxvk, vmem, 411: protracker, gcc-10-cross-ports, cpu-x, mrtrix3, debian-cloud-images, lambda-align2, bowtie2, pmemkv-python, intel-graphics-compiler, intel-opencl-clang, 421: intel-compute-runtime, iconnect-tools, binutils64, pveclib, ncbi-vdb, olive-editor, golang-github-pzhin-go-sophia, vokoscreen, lava-dispatcher, ucx, 431: vg, pbcopper, zimwriterfs, unison, afl, reprozip, salmon, r-bioc-dada2, boxfort, diamond-aligner, 441: delve, tboot, criterion, prokka, megahit, baconqrcode, mdtraj, mapsembler2, bazel-bootstrap, pmon-update, 451: onednn, vmemcache, metabat, mecat2, xenium, bmtk, gcc-10-cross-mipsen, amdgcn-tools, dpdk-kmods, shasta, 461: vast, picolisp, fis-gtm, simka, macsyfinder, gdpc, mash, bagel, aeskeyfind, thunderbird
BD-Uninstallable2051: xhprof (1791d 58m), radare2-cutter (1791d 58m), php-apc (1791d 58m), blogilo (1791d 58m), libuconv-ruby (1791d 58m), haskell-hledger-vty (1791d 58m), qwtplot3d (1791d 58m), ulogd (1791d 58m), portslave (1791d 58m), libguac-client-vnc (1791d 58m), 11: arrayprobe (1791d 58m), libfusefs-ruby (1791d 58m), pep8-simul (1791d 58m), virtualjaguar (1791d 58m), fw4spl (1791d 58m), rhmessaging (1791d 58m), qtpfsgui (1791d 58m), libnora-ruby (1791d 58m), libguac-client-rdp (1791d 58m), simpleitk (1791d 58m), 21: mingw32 (1791d 58m), openais (1791d 58m), sugar-hulahop (1791d 58m), libkrb5-ruby (1791d 58m), clang (1791d 58m), networkmanagement (1791d 58m), god (1791d 58m), libaugeas-ruby (1791d 58m), semidef-oct (1791d 58m), xserver-xorg-video-glide (1791d 58m), 31: soya (1791d 58m), guest-templates (1791d 58m), woo (1791d 58m), libodbc-ruby (1791d 58m), nagios-plugins (1791d 58m), libopengl-ruby (1791d 58m), sikuli (1791d 58m), giira (1791d 58m), libdr-tarantool-perl (1791d 58m), mod-proxy-html (1791d 58m), 41: haskell-hledger-chart (1791d 58m), guacd (1791d 58m), linux-signed (1791d 58m), foobillard (1791d 58m), fuse-umfuse-ext2 (1791d 58m), libfcgi-ruby (1791d 58m), bino (1791d 58m), mldemos (1791d 58m), openjdk-12 (1777d 17h 55m), balboa (1742d 23h 43m), 51: libmaxmind-db-reader-xs-perl (1726d 11h 41m), fmit (1723d 11h 41m), mm3d (1687d 5h 43m), algobox (1685d 11h 46m), minimac4 (1667d 11h 36m), qca2-plugin-ossl (1666d 5h 22m), varnish-agent (1666d 5h 22m), qca-cyrus-sasl (1666d 5h 22m), golang-go.tools (1651d 23h 38m), rust-url-serde (1646d 19h 51m), 61: itksnap (1630d 11h 42m), python-pbh5tools (1614d 23h 42m), structure-synth (1605d 10m), piperka-client (1605d 10m), cloudcompare (1600d 11h 39m), camitk (1587d 11h 39m), pbdagcon (1579d 12h 27m), rsem (1563d 11h 36m), fracplanet (1562d 11h 38m), psortb (1560d 11h 34m), 71: libqt4pas (1558d 12h 17m), qutecsound (1558d 12h 17m), doomsday (1546d 11h 41m), ball (1540d 11h 40m), ardour3 (1524d 22h 56m), pyzoltan (1495d 11h 30m), notepadqq (1486d 11h 38m), tetzle (1485d 11h 42m), flang (1471d 14h 57m), minia (1465d 5h 32m), 81: skesa (1457d 23h 9m), webkit (1454d 17h 45m), mindthegap (1437d 11h 42m), unanimity (1387d 12h 27m), unicycler (1387d 12h 12m), bcalm (1377d 5h 43m), debug-me (1373d 12h 43m), ariba (1354d 11h 34m), aseba (1347d 11h 29m), fuse-umfuse-fat (1346d 11h 32m), 91: discosnp (1337d 11h 34m), rust-tokio-signal (1330d 11h 41m), rust-hyper-tls (1330d 11h 41m), rust-signal-hook (1330d 11h 41m), rust-hyper (1330d 11h 41m), hlint (1323d 11h 39m), haskell-cborg-json (1323d 11h 39m), otb (1322d 11h 26m), colmap (1320d 11h 44m), pyqwt3d (1318d 11h 40m), 101: enki-aseba (1317d 13h 49m), paleomix (1304d 11h 32m), rust-sleef-sys (1303d 5h 44m), gammaray (1302d 23h 41m), libmmmulti (1299d 11h 13m), srst2 (1296d 13h 26m), fuse-umfuse-iso9660 (1294d 11h 31m), ginkgocadx (1291d 11h 33m), shelxle (1291d 11h 33m), pbbam (1290d 11h 25m), 111: sdrangelove (1286d 11h 45m), haskell-termonad (1285d 11h 46m), fraqtive (1284d 11h 35m), ideep (1282d 11h 43m), ghostwriter (1280d 11h 13m), nifti2dicom (1280d 11h 13m), libmaxmind-db-writer-perl (1273d 23h 14m), pplacer (1272d 6h 49m), py-sendfile (1271d 23h 2m), deal.ii (1271d 10h 19m), 121: llvm-toolchain-snapshot (1270d 19h 6m), sigil (1270d 13h 7m), rust-condure (1269d 11h 40m), sambamba (1269d 11h 40m), orpie (1268d 23h 44m), meshlab (1268d 11h 39m), q2-cutadapt (1268d 5h 45m), qmapshack (1268d 5h 45m), osrm (1267d 23h 43m), tlsdate (1267d 23h 43m), 131: minizinc-ide (1264d 11h 21m), qtwebview-opensource-src (1261d 23h 38m), libkf5mailcommon (1258d 11h 43m), libkf5ksieve (1258d 11h 43m), akonadi-import-wizard (1258d 11h 43m), akonadiconsole (1258d 11h 43m), mbox-importer (1258d 11h 43m), grantlee-editor (1258d 11h 43m), pim-data-exporter (1258d 11h 43m), kontact (1258d 11h 43m), 141: libkgapi (1258d 11h 43m), akregator (1258d 11h 43m), pim-sieve-editor (1258d 11h 43m), kmail (1258d 11h 43m), kdepim-addons (1258d 11h 43m), kalarm (1258d 11h 43m), umps3 (1257d 8h 7m), macromoleculebuilder (1257d 8h 7m), pytorch-vision (1256d 19h 55m), pytorch-audio (1256d 19h 55m), 151: q2-metadata (1255d 5h 33m), kimagemapeditor (1252d 11h 32m), pytorch-text (1252d 11h 32m), sepp (1252d 11h 32m), xfce4-equake-plugin (1249d 14h 25m), vite (1242d 11h 30m), openmolcas (1241d 11h 31m), armnn (1237d 11h 4m), gle-graphics (1236d 11h 30m), digikam (1236d 11h 30m), 161: biobambam2 (1236d 11h 30m), parley (1235d 11h 38m), kodiplatform (1233d 8h 52m), parallel-fastq-dump (1233d 5h 34m), plasmidid (1232d 10h 36m), q2-dada2 (1225d 10h 42m), bpftrace (1224d 11h 17m), trinityrnaseq (1224d 11h 17m), krita (1223d 11h 26m), mensis (1221d 21h 51m), 171: fdb (1221d 11h 23m), openmw (1220d 11h 28m), plastimatch (1220d 11h 28m), pyqt5webengine (1215d 11h 37m), fcitx-libpinyin (1213d 11h 34m), shotcut (1211d 11h 23m), openscad (1211d 11h 23m), python-rocksdb (1208d 11h 18m), blasr (1208d 5h 16m), smrtanalysis (1207d 5h 30m), 181: goldencheetah (1205d 13h 9m), pysph (1204d 23h 27m), pytorch (1196d 11h 24m), kio-gdrive (1195d 11h 21m), nmapsi4 (1189d 11h 24m), kiwix (1187d 11h 26m), fcitx5-chinese-addons (1187d 11h 26m), openems (1186d 10h 58m), iannix (1180d 11h 26m), calibre (1179d 11h 24m), 191: dustrac (1178d 11h 29m), fsm-lite (1171d 11h 19m), gazebo (1159d 23h 30m), sight (1159d 23h 30m), rssguard (1149d 11h 24m), gubbins (1134d 11h 42m), falkon (1125d 11h 35m), libatomic-queue (1113d 11h 43m), monero (1096d 11h 25m), kf5-messagelib (1069d 11h 28m), 201: nextcloud-desktop (986d 5h 52m), debian-installer (964d 18h 37m), openjdk-17 (920d 11h 32m), pageedit (912d 5h 40m), shovill (912d 5h 35m)
Build-Attempted1451: fstl (1120d 6h 7m, tried 6 times, bm-wb-03), scamp (1120d 5h 45m, tried 9 times, bm-wb-02), swt4-gtk (1120d 5h 37m, tried 8 times, mb-lxc-02), tilix (1120d 5h 17m, tried 5 times, testwandboard), creduce (1120d 3h 53m, tried 6 times, mb-lxc-02), appstream-generator (1120d 3h 37m, tried 5 times, mb-lxc-02), ismrmrd (1120d 3h 31m, tried 6 times, mb-lxc-02), haskell-protobuf (1120d 3h 27m, tried 8 times, mb-lxc-01), libundead (1120d 3h 16m, tried 18 times, mb-lxc-02), quorum (1120d 3h 7m, tried 6 times, mb-lxc-02), 11: python-skbio (1120d 2h 57m, tried 6 times, test2019), spades (1120d 2h 45m, tried 16 times, test2019), rocksdb (1120d 2h 35m, tried 4 times, mb-lxc-02), tensorpipe (1120d 2h 32m, tried 6 times, test2019), gfccore (1120d 2h 30m, tried 19 times, mb-lxc-02), libibcm (1120d 2h 27m, tried 19 times, mb-lxc-02), acovea (1120d 2h 24m, tried 20 times, mb-lxc-02), mingw32-binutils (1120d 2h 21m, tried 20 times, mb-lxc-02), ocamlgsl (1120d 2h 15m, tried 7 times, mb-lxc-02), apf (1120d 2h 13m, tried 20 times, mb-lxc-02), 21: asterisk-chan-capi (1120d 2h 10m, tried 20 times, mb-lxc-02), audacious-analog-vumeter-plugin (1120d 1h 58m, tried 20 times, mb-lxc-02), icinga2 (1120d 1h 55m, tried 7 times, bm-wb-03), autofs5 (1120d 1h 54m, tried 20 times, mb-lxc-02), bbhash (1120d 1h 52m, tried 8 times, mb-lxc-02), bcachefs-tools (1120d 1h 47m, tried 7 times, mb-lxc-02), badger (1120d 1h 44m, tried 7 times, bm-wb-03), blastem (1120d 1h 39m, tried 8 times, mb-lxc-02), bustools (1120d 1h 35m, tried 11 times, mb-lxc-02), ccls (1120d 1h 24m, tried 4 times, mb-lxc-02), 31: consul-migrate (1120d 1h 15m, tried 20 times, mb-lxc-02), criu (1120d 1h 10m, tried 20 times, mb-lxc-02), debiman (1120d 1h 4m, tried 8 times, mb-lxc-02), cone (1120d 54m, tried 20 times, test2019), fairy-stockfish (1120d 48m, tried 8 times, test2019), bornagain (1120d 46m, tried 7 times, bm-wb-03), fpzip (1120d 39m, tried 5 times, bm-wb-03), deepin-movie-reborn (1120d 39m, tried 6 times, mb-lxc-02), febootstrap (1120d 39m, tried 20 times, test2019), deng (1120d 37m, tried 19 times, mb-lxc-01), 41: garagemq (1120d 30m, tried 7 times, mb-lxc-02), gjh-asl-json (1120d 26m, tried 7 times, mb-lxc-02), gloo (1120d 20m, tried 6 times, mb-lxc-02), ghemical (1120d 14m, tried 9 times, mb-lxc-01), golang-android-soong (1120d 13m, tried 5 times, mb-lxc-02), haskell-ghc-lib-parser-ex (1120d 2m, tried 6 times, mb-lxc-02), gammapy (1120d 1m, tried 8 times, bm-wb-03), haskell-pretty-simple (1119d 23h 41m, tried 8 times, mb-lxc-02), haskell-type-level (1119d 23h 36m, tried 21 times, bm-wb-03), gatb-core (1119d 23h 34m, tried 6 times, test2019), 51: haskell-xml-html-qq (1119d 23h 29m, tried 8 times, mb-lxc-02), icu-ext (1119d 23h 21m, tried 6 times, mb-lxc-02), ioapps (1119d 23h 18m, tried 20 times, mb-lxc-02), haskell-ormolu (1119d 23h 16m, tried 6 times, mb-lxc-01), ibam (1119d 23h 16m, tried 22 times, bm-wb-03), ivar (1119d 23h 13m, tried 6 times, mb-lxc-02), jocaml (1119d 23h 11m, tried 20 times, mb-lxc-01), kafs-client (1119d 23h 10m, tried 7 times, mb-lxc-02), libbiod (1119d 23h 3m, tried 13 times, mb-lxc-02), leela-zero (1119d 22h 54m, tried 18 times, mb-lxc-01), 61: kleborate (1119d 22h 42m, tried 6 times, bm-wb-03), libgrokj2k (1119d 22h 42m, tried 4 times, mb-lxc-01), libdnf (1119d 22h 40m, tried 3 times, mb-lxc-02), libmlx5 (1119d 22h 39m, tried 20 times, mb-lxc-01), libmath-int128-perl (1119d 22h 37m, tried 20 times, bm-wb-03), hyperspy (1119d 22h 37m, tried 5 times, test2019), libnunc-stans (1119d 22h 35m, tried 20 times, mb-lxc-02), librandomx (1119d 22h 33m, tried 10 times, mb-lxc-01), libtango (1119d 22h 31m, tried 20 times, bm-wb-03), libxsmm (1119d 22h 31m, tried 20 times, test2019), 71: mariadb-connector-odbc (1119d 22h 27m, tried 6 times, mb-lxc-01), libretro-mupen64plus (1119d 22h 26m, tried 20 times, bm-wb-04), mes (1119d 22h 21m, tried 7 times, bm-wb-03), listaller (1119d 22h 20m, tried 21 times, mb-lxc-02), micropython (1119d 22h 20m, tried 11 times, test2019), mojoshader (1119d 22h 19m, tried 7 times, mb-lxc-01), msrtool (1119d 22h 16m, tried 20 times, bm-wb-03), nsd3 (1119d 22h 14m, tried 20 times, mb-lxc-01), mrs (1119d 22h 11m, tried 7 times, bm-wb-04), neuron (1119d 22h 7m, tried 20 times, mb-lxc-02), 81: odc (1119d 22h 5m, tried 6 times, mb-lxc-01), open-axiom (1119d 21h 59m, tried 20 times, bm-wb-04), openmm (1119d 21h 54m, tried 6 times, mb-lxc-02), nix (1119d 21h 51m, tried 7 times, test2019), perftest (1119d 21h 50m, tried 5 times, mb-lxc-02), percona-xtradb-cluster-galera-2.x (1119d 21h 46m, tried 20 times, bm-wb-02), pinfish (1119d 21h 43m, tried 7 times, test2019), patat (1119d 21h 42m, tried 7 times, mb-lxc-01), plink2 (1119d 21h 42m, tried 5 times, mb-lxc-02), pbseqlib (1119d 21h 40m, tried 5 times, bm-wb-04), 91: octave-tisean (1119d 21h 37m, tried 27 times, bm-wb-03), postgresql-numeral (1119d 21h 28m, tried 7 times, bm-wb-02), prboom (1119d 21h 28m, tried 20 times, test2019), prometheus-libvirt-exporter (1119d 21h 28m, tried 5 times, mb-lxc-02), qtjsbackend-opensource-src (1119d 21h 19m, tried 20 times, bm-wb-03), python-peachpy (1119d 21h 16m, tried 8 times, bm-wb-04), rpm2html (1119d 21h 16m, tried 20 times, mb-lxc-01), r-bioc-rsubread (1119d 21h 15m, tried 7 times, test2019), rust-generator (1119d 21h 12m, tried 11 times, mb-lxc-01), rust-kvm-ioctls (1119d 21h 9m, tried 18 times, test2019), 101: ruby-cbor (1119d 21h 6m, tried 7 times, bm-wb-03), r-cran-s2 (1119d 21h 6m, tried 6 times, mb-lxc-02), rust-mach-o-sys (1119d 21h 2m, tried 12 times, test2019), rust-pq-sys (1119d 20h 59m, tried 18 times, mb-lxc-02), rust-libnotcurses-sys (1119d 20h 58m, tried 5 times, mb-lxc-01), rust-mysqlclient-sys (1119d 20h 57m, tried 18 times, bm-wb-03), rust-servo-freetype-sys (1119d 20h 54m, tried 11 times, test2019), scanbuttond (1119d 20h 54m, tried 20 times, mb-lxc-01), qwinff (1119d 20h 53m, tried 6 times, bm-wb-02), ruby2.1 (1119d 20h 53m, tried 20 times, bm-wb-04), 111: slang-slirp (1119d 20h 52m, tried 20 times, bm-wb-03), rust-ucd-generate (1119d 20h 51m, tried 18 times, mb-lxc-02), traildb (1119d 20h 47m, tried 20 times, mb-lxc-02), tarantool (1119d 20h 47m, tried 7 times, mb-lxc-01), tinyarray (1119d 20h 42m, tried 7 times, bm-wb-03), wmmail (1119d 20h 39m, tried 21 times, test2019), xf86-video-msm (1119d 20h 38m, tried 20 times, mb-lxc-02), tiledarray (1119d 20h 37m, tried 18 times, bm-wb-04), tendermint (1119d 20h 29m, tried 20 times, bm-wb-02), cyclonedds (1119d 20h 6m, tried 6 times, bm-wb-03), 121: dballe (1119d 20h 5m, tried 15 times, test2019), rheolef (1119d 18h 36m, tried 5 times, mb-lxc-01), pyfftw (1119d 17h 34m, tried 13 times, bm-wb-02), tulip (1119d 17h 12m, tried 6 times, bm-wb-03), openms (1119d 16h 19m, tried 5 times, test2019), olive (1119d 15h 30m, tried 25 times, bm-wb-02), agda (1119d 12h 17m, tried 5 times, mb-lxc-02), sfcgal (1119d 12h 7m, tried 7 times, bm-wb-03), mlpack (1119d 9h 52m, tried 5 times, bm-wb-02), iem-plugin-suite (1119d 8h 3m, tried 11 times, test2019), 131: siconos (1119d 7h 2m, tried 5 times, bm-wb-04), paraview (1118d 23h 49m, tried 8 times, testwandboard), nextpnr (1118d 21h 56m, tried 6 times, bm-wb-02), openstructure (1118d 16h 32m, tried 7 times, mb-lxc-01), acl2 (1118d 6h 25m, tried 4 times, testwandboard), qtmir (1117d 8h 57m, tried 3 times, test2019), sagemath (1115d 19h 44m, tried 8 times, mb-lxc-01), libmaus2 (1082d 8h 55m, tried 3 times, test2019), libuv1 (1058d 11h 23m, tried 3 times, mb-lxc-02), kodi (1057d 10h 10m, mb-lxc-01), 141: slic3r (1053d 7h 43m, tried 2 times, bm-wb-02), nomad (1051d 10h 26m, tried 8 times, bm-wb-03), projectm (1028d 10h 57m, tried 3 times, test2019), mutter (964d 14h 35m, bm-wb-01), flatpak (962d 17h 12m, testbuildd)
Built151: cpuburn (1790d 20h 50m, tried 2 times, bm-wb-03), openni-sensor-pointclouds (1717d 7h 24m, tried 2 times, mb-lxc-01), openni-sensor-primesense (1717d 7h 22m, tried 2 times, mb-lxc-02), kvmtool (1544d 9h 51m, tried 3 times, mb-lxc-01), rust-webpki-roots (1316d 19h 17m, tried 3 times, testbuildd), sleef (1306d 10h 3m, tried 2 times, mb-lxc-02), arm-compute-library (1295d 5h 20m, tried 2 times, bm-wb-04), xnnpack (1263d 6h 10m, tried 2 times, testbuildd), cryfs (1242d 9h 16m, tried 2 times, test2019), libcrypto++ (1241d 10h 4m, tried 2 times, mb-lxc-01), 11: lsp-plugins (1221d 6h 23m, tried 2 times, mb-lxc-01), ne10 (1109d 5h 31m, tried 3 times, bm-wb-03), chemtool (+b3, 994d 16h 52m, bm-wb-03), dpdk (964d 15h 8m, mb-lxc-02), gnome-flashback (+b2, 963d 17h 18m, bm-wb-03)
Failed501: mariadb-10.3 (+b2, 1283d 2h 59m, wbadm), kodi-visualization-spectrum (1233d 8h 52m), kodi-screensaver-pingpong (1198d 13h 38m, tried 53 times), kodi-screensaver-asteroids (1198d 13h 38m, tried 53 times), kodi-visualization-fishbmc (1198d 13h 38m, tried 45 times), kodi-visualization-waveform (1198d 13h 38m, tried 43 times), kodi-screensaver-shadertoy (1198d 13h 38m, tried 55 times), kodi-screensaver-biogenesis (1198d 13h 38m, tried 55 times), kodi-screensaver-pyro (1198d 13h 38m, tried 54 times), kodi-vfs-sftp (1198d 13h 38m, tried 51 times), 11: kodi-screensaver-greynetic (1198d 13h 38m, tried 54 times), kodi-pvr-teleboy (1198d 13h 38m, tried 59 times), kodi-pvr-dvbviewer (1198d 13h 36m, tried 786 times), kodi-pvr-argustv (1198d 13h 36m, tried 1260 times), kodi-pvr-hdhomerun (1198d 13h 35m, tried 56 times), kodi-pvr-njoy (1198d 13h 34m, tried 62 times), kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi (1198d 13h 33m, tried 1174 times), kodi-pvr-wmc (1198d 13h 33m, tried 1126 times), kodi-audiodecoder-fluidsynth (1198d 13h 32m, tried 60 times), kodi-audiodecoder-sidplay (1198d 13h 32m, tried 58 times), 21: kodi-audiodecoder-openmpt (1198d 13h 32m, tried 62 times), kodi-audioencoder-flac (1198d 13h 31m, tried 53 times), kodi-audioencoder-wav (1198d 13h 31m, tried 50 times), kodi-audioencoder-vorbis (1198d 13h 31m, tried 55 times), kodi-imagedecoder-raw (1198d 13h 31m, tried 53 times), kodi-pvr-dvblink (1198d 13h 30m, tried 50 times), kodi-imagedecoder-heif (1198d 13h 30m, tried 53 times), kodi-peripheral-joystick (1198d 13h 27m, tried 51 times), kodi-inputstream-rtmp (1198d 13h 27m, tried 49 times), kodi-peripheral-xarcade (1198d 13h 27m, tried 61 times), 31: kodi-pvr-filmon (1198d 12h 44m, tried 50 times), kodi-pvr-octonet (1198d 12h 42m, tried 47 times), kodi-pvr-vbox (1198d 12h 41m, tried 52 times), kodi-pvr-pctv (1198d 12h 41m, tried 55 times), kodi-pvr-stalker (1198d 12h 41m, tried 53 times, mb-lxc-02), kodi-visualization-shadertoy (1188d 11h 20m), kodi-pvr-nextpvr (1048d 23h 40m, tried 119 times, bm-wb-04), kodi-pvr-hts (1015d 7h 11m, tried 196 times), kodi-pvr-iptvsimple (1015d 7h 9m, tried 384 times), kodi-pvr-mediaportal-tvserver (1015d 7h 8m, tried 183 times), 41: kodi-pvr-mythtv (1015d 7h 7m, tried 170 times), kodi-pvr-vuplus (1015d 7h 7m, tried 194 times), kodi-audioencoder-lame (1015d 7h 5m, tried 358 times), kodi-inputstream-adaptive (1015d 7h 3m, tried 160 times), kodi-inputstream-ffmpegdirect (1015d 7h 1m, tried 363 times), kodi-pvr-sledovanitv-cz (1015d 7h, tried 360 times), kodi-pvr-waipu (1015d 6h 55m, tried 386 times), kodi-pvr-zattoo (1015d 6h 54m, tried 215 times), kodi-vfs-libarchive (1015d 6h 52m, tried 210 times), kodi-visualization-pictureit (1015d 6h 52m, tried 383 times)
Installed15152Too many results, cannot display
Maybe-Failed21: haskell-cborg (428d 2h 46m, tried 3 times, mb-lxc-02), 1: qtwebengine-opensource-src (427d 11h 50m, tried 7 times, testwandboard)
Maybe-Successful21: nautilus (764d 12h 11m, tried 2 times, testwandboard), 1: rhonabwy (764d 12h 28m, test2019)
Uploaded91: mediawiki-math (+b20, 994d 17h 29m, bm-wb-03), equalx (+b16, 994d 17h 19m, testwandboard), cadabra (+b13, 994d 16h 59m, bm-wb-03), efax-gtk (+b1, 994d 16h 44m, mb-lxc-01), hevea (+b14, 994d 16h 24m, bm-wb-01), mathtex (+b30, 994d 16h 14m, bm-wb-03), tgif (+b22, 994d 15h 59m, bm-wb-03), xournal (+b3, 994d 15h 59m, mb-lxc-01), tth (+b3, 994d 15h 34m, bm-wb-01)